
Selamat Datang Di Mari Belajar IPS

Sabtu, 11 September 2010

Location of Indonesia

The location of Indonesia can be described astronomically, geographically, and geologically. The following are the descriptions of the location of Indonesia.

1. Astronomically Location
The astronomical location is a location of an area marked by earth's latitude and longitude. Astronomically, Indonesia is located in the 6 North Latitude-11 South Latitude and 95 East Longitude-141 East Longitude. The northern area is We Island in Nangroe Aceh Darussalam, which is located in the 6 North Latitude. The siuthern area is Roti Island in East Nusa Tenggara Island, located in the 11 South Latitude. The western area is also We Island, located in 95 East Longitude, and the estern area is Merauke City, located in 141 East Longitude.

The longitude line is used as a guideline to time distribution. According to the Precidential Decree of Republic Indonesia Number 41 Year 1987, validated since 1 January 1988, time-bassed regional distribution in Indonesia is divided into three time zones.
a. WIB (West Indonesia Standard Time)
1. Meridien base 105 East Longitude
2. 7 Hours earlier than Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
3. Covering all Sumatera, Java, West Borneo, and Central Borneo.
b. WITA (Central Indonesia Standard Time)
1. Meridien base 120 East Longitude
2. 8 hours earlier than Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
3. Convering East Borneo, South Borneo, Bali, West Nusa Tenggara, East Nusa
Tenggara, and Celebes
c. WIT (East Indonesia Standard Time)
1. Meridien base 135 East Longitude
2. 9 hours earlier than Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
3. Covering all Moluccas island and Papua island

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